Actually, Pileated Woodpecker. A pair. In the tree just outside my window. And where is my camera? Lying three rooms away, without batteries! Arrrrrggggghhhhh! Okay, so after 20 minutes of watching the fascinating dance of a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers, low on the trunk of a semi-dead tree, moving in tiny hops first in one direction, then in reverse, one on each side of the tree, I finally go for the camera. Of course, by the time I get the camera, pop in batteries, set the date/time....they've move on to another tree, farther away. I'll have my camera ready tomorrow morning, and hopefully will be able to get a decent picture.
In the meantime, my mother-in-law's tongue (the plant) has done something I've never seen before. It bloomed!!! I didn't know the dang things could or would bloom, but mine did! It has three stems of blooms, the oddest little unusual. Apparently, succulents must be root-bound or nearly so to produce blooms. The stems in this one appeared just as I was ready to transplant to a larger pot. I'm so glad I didn't, that I gave it a chance to show me what it could do! Now, I suppose the poor thing is doomed to remain in it's current pot...I want to see whether it will ever bloom again!
(Will edit & post pictures as soon as I figure out where I left the camera!)
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